How our basic statements have changed during this tough time? How our own perspective has been migrated to those unthinkable postures where unexpected thoughts reside? How far and close are we attached from each other? How close are we from our own …

How our basic statements have changed during this tough time? How our own perspective has been migrated to those unthinkable postures where unexpected thoughts reside? How far and close are we attached from each other? How close are we from our own soul?

Even when things feel static and apparently a lack of motion is present in each routine there are seas of emotions moving faster than our mind can catch up with.

No matter if we feel that we are getting the best or the worst of this situation, learning will come after all this turbulence pass and we will need to deal with new versions of us. Amazing how life has started to shown the real motion that resides in between our mind and our body. Altering the status quo has always shown firm results. From the past till the end.