Tough days we’re living.
“One’s life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others.”
Tough days we're living in. Raw feelings about the way humanity has done things incorrectly for a long time giving the benefit of free life only to one portion of the human race. The place where I live is not the exception, Mexico is in fact one of the most racist places in the world, human agaist human is apparently a basic statement, aspiracional sociaty and social class bases are ruling the way this country is handled. We were raised forgetting our own roots. Also dealing with pandemic situation in the country that each day goes to worst, the lack of a good gov in place, the lack of cutural eduaction from the people, and lack of empathy between all of us. Beside all this I'm still trying to use this as a tool to try to keep my mind in peace and looking for the best way to calm my thoughts each day.