After a week off I’m returning back to desk tasks today. This time we are living in has de power on hands to make things look greater than they are, or at least it’s able to focus our attention in a very different way, increasing all perspectives and showing us a different meaning of things, the ones that previously were so much relevant now seem to be very secondary or even irrelevant in some situations, the ones we took as default now have a deeper importance. We tend to situate ourselves as priority now. Untouchable things are now much basic than before. Irrelevance of things help us to have a better solution. Perspective is playing its role. Resilience is making the hardest part. We are slowly transforming all previous statement by giving authentic value.
And here I’m, waiting for the day to turn the darkness off, waiting in silence with my thoughts and coffee while listening the outdoor birds singing their chorus. Appreciation of simple situations offer a tremendous state of mindfulness.
Life is motion.
Darkness is off.